Monthly Archive:: July 2022

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What to do when your garbage disposal stops working

When your garbage disposal stops working, usually it’s a workable problem and doesn’t necessarily require a full replacement. In this article, we provide a few ideas on problems that can arise and what do about them. Power Problems with Turning on the Unit A power problem where

What Size Garbage Disposal Do We Need

When it comes time to install a garbage disposal or replace an old one, the most important thing to consider is the size of the disposal you’ll need. Buy one that’s too large, and it may not fit into the space under your sink. Buy one too

Things to Do with a Leaking Garbage Disposal

The garbage disposal is one of those things that make the modern kitchen such a wonder of convenience. But as is the case with all mechanical devices there’s the possibility you might encounter a problem from time to time. One of the more common and vexing problems

How to Fix a Garbage Disposal That Is Humming

If you don’t have rancid odors wafting in through the kitchen window from the trash cans during the summer, thank the garbage disposal. A lack of foul odors emanating from garbage is one of the things that separates the contemporary kitchen from the kitchen of just 50